MISS All Of You
Coco & I have been waiting for this moment
for soooooooo long....
We thank you for your patience, kindness and for
being such caring hoomans and furiends.
Grandma is slowly getting used to life
without grandpa and we're allowing
her All the time she needs.......as
we're allowing her to borrow
mumster all the time too.........
Mumster sat us down to inform us that she's taking
grandma to visit mumster's sister Kathrine
in faraway Singapore ( an hour plane ride away)
We're NOT happy about this but we understand (barely)
I Can't speak for that sulky CoCo but
I Do Undeerstand.....
Mumster Promised to allow us time to visit
our furiends when she returns from
And we're HOLDING her to her promise
with YOUR help, TQ
so see you week after next......
( paws totally crossed & crossed
again !!! )
poo & chikisses,