my mum's favourite pic
i do look so shell shocked don't i ?????
me and my mummy in the car; she's still shy about showing her face....will find a way to convince her to

looooove my new bed

still not fully awake yet

just didn't like this bag so I made mum give it away

dainty but you can see my potential right???
mum tears when she sees these pics as she moans that her baby is growing up fast........ must say that I did look kind of cute even though i have been called 'ugly'as i was all ears, head and rather scrawny.
that's all changed when I filled up a bit and now dad says I have a 'nice round behind' (dirty old hooman) and also calls me 'fat &$*s'.........whatever ( 'rolling' my biiiig eyes ) as I'm now a 3 lb, nicely rounded 8 1/2 ins chi diva bol.......
i'm actually not that spoilt a brat and I will dispel that myth soon.......
Hi Coco,
How could anyone resist that face! Mom says you were adorable as a puppy and make a beautiful diva. We love your little outfits. They are so darn tiny!
Wags & wiggles,
Miss Coco, we beg to differ that you were ever "ugly". We have yet to see an "ugly" picture of you. You have ALWAYS been super adorable. Love seeing the pictures of you from a wee little baby to a teensy adult.
Chihuahua kisses,
Bentley & Lexus
Thank your mum for me Bijou.......she's so sweet and says the nicest things.
I would appear tiny to you but I'm already 3lbs and measure 8.5ins from neck to tail..........I would love to stand next to you and I would feel soooooo protected.
Waggy kisses,
Thanks Bentley & Lex, I'm not insecure anymore ever since I have filled up in my face. My nicknames used to be Urrrgly......monster.....skinny......scrawny...among other names that I couldn't pronounced bol
OMG Coco, you have always been the cutest little thing, and I fell in love with you the first time I saw your picture!! I just wish that one day we can meet in person so I can give you bunches of hugs and kisses!
Auntie Nadine
TQ aunt Nadine and you will get more in return,muuuuuuuuaz
TQ Bell & mama Kimberly......'blushing' if woo can see it and looooooving it......looove your new doghouse and that tub!!!!!
chi kisses,
Hi! I saw your comment on Jemma's blog and had to come by to see you! You may be all eyes and ears but that is BEAUTIFUL! I am a handsome chi myself but, unfortunately, my ears are not nearly as grand as yours! Come and see me some time :P
Hiya Pedro, you are one handsome dude.......just added you as a friend BOL
chi kisses,
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