the announcer was parading me and encouraging other dogs to come forward ...and they did......

the biiiiig doggs were eyeing us three as ' licks, licks'....... eh their snacks......the cheek of them BOL.......
now, please don't feel sorry for me as i'm ok......mum says it's good to lose sometimes as it humbles me and i'm not as cute as i think i am AND to realize that the world does NOT revolve around me.....yes mum.......
the pics were taken by mum's friend and my uncle WL who moonlights as an engineer but is actually a talented photographer/ballroom dancer cum competitor among other things this chi may not be aware of .........
TQ uncle WL ( i know you're reading this......do come by to say hello........)
Holy crap! You are one tiny little doggie! And then there was a doggie even smaller?
I have never met a chew wa wa doggie. Sometimes little dogs kind of scare me.
hiya Mango.....TQ for visiting
yep the little ones were a couple of months old and i was 3+ ....
don't be scared of me; i may look BAD but i'm actually quite gentle....after all, i'm a chi
chikisses from your first chi friend?
CoCo...you look soooo beyouuuutiful in your blue dress and that BLING collar !! WHEW you are expensive girl!
Kisses my sweet
You are such a cute little peanut!!
Wow...I can't believe you didn't win...But Mum is right on the "it's good for us to lose sometimes", but I do thing the world revolves around us...don't you???
Friday Smileys!
Where was this?! I can't believe there are smaller dogs than you and Valentina?! Adorable threads by the way!
Bummer, Coco! Even if the other dogs were smaller - I don't see how a judge could have overlooked you obvious panache! And you bling was definitely high society! Maybe they just figured you looked like you had it all already, so awarded the less fortunate doggies???
Coco, we so think you should have won. There's a difference between a teensy puppy and a teensy adult dog. And plus you're just so stinkin' cute. You should have won for that reason alone. But, we may be bias since you're our cousin and all. Just remember, you are always number one in our hearts (and in Mom's too...with us, of course).
Chihuahua kisses,
Bentley & Lexus
We demand a recount!!! You was robbed! Robbed I tell ya! Ya shoulda won, no doubt about it!
I say the judge was paid off by the shoe-in tiny chi's, besides, they were pups! That don't count, you really shoulda won!
woo woo, Tessa
Hi CoCo, I think 3rd place is just fabulous!!! I agree, you should have won 1st but that's okay, you looked really cute.
PS - Have a great weekend CoCo!
Hard to believe!
I would probably eye woo up but woo would be safe fur woo are a khanine girrrrrl too!
Coco! How very exiting. Of course, you are always #1 in my book.
Hi, Coco!
Yes, your are #1 for me too!
Kisses and hugs
Hi and thank you for visiting me, I LOVE making new friends. Can we be friends please, please??
You were robbed at that show, I am sure you were the best, but as long as you know that inside, I guess its ok sometimes to let someone else win.I am sassy too, isn't it fun to be sassy.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
That bling is pawsome!
You should have won for being the prettiest!
TQ all, you are pawsomely sweet .....as mentioned before, it's really ok as i know i cannot compete against puppies but it was still fun and scarry to be paraded in that biiiig hall..........have an enjoyable weekend all
kisses to my pawsome friends,
Hi Coco
We just loved the pictures - they were very good.
Of course we think you should have been the winner!
We are proud of you for taking part as we would have been too scared to do that.
It was a great experience for you - but you are the cutest doggie in the world!
Martha & Bailey xxx
Awww, Coco, tell your mom it is no fun to lose and it doesn't matter what it teaches us. I think you shoulda won paws down! I bet you had a fun time being around all those doggies.
Wow Coco, I didn't realize how TINY you are! I think you should have won! :)
Hi Coco,
I'm sure those other doggies were much younger than you so of course they would be smaller. No fair having grown doggies competing against pups! They should have had age categories. Oh well, Congratulations on placing 3rd!!
Wags & wiggles,
what a great accomplishment - you are adorable congrats on your win
Woodrow - Sweetie - Sherman
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