So SCARY that you really have to watch your steps here..........
these are the works of a talented street artist, Edgar Mueller
He spent five days, working 12 hours a day, to create the 250 square metre image of the crevasse, which, viewed from the correct angle, appears to be 3D. He then persuaded passers-by to complete the illusion by pretending the gaping hole was real.
''I wanted to play with positives and negatives to encourage people to thnk twice about everything they see,' he said. 'It was a very scary scene, but when people saw it they had great fun playing on it and pretending to fall into the earth. 'I like to think that later, when they returned home, they might reflect more on what a frightening scenario it was and say, "Wow, that was actually pretty scary."
Mueller, who has previously painted a giant waterfall in Canada , said he was inspired by the British 'Pavement Picasso' Julian Beever, whose dramatic but more gentle 3D street images have featured in the Daily Mail.
This guy is amazing no matter how you look at it!

pee ess: please click pics for enlargement to really enjoy its effect and check out Edgar Mueller's work here
thanks Sakinab for sharing these beautiful works of art
thanks Sakinab for sharing these beautiful works of art
Hey there, Coco
Yep, we've seen his work before...pretty fantastic! (although I don't know about you, Coco, but I'd hate to fall in those holes!)
OK, now listen...cheer up! It's not so bad! I know you are shy about putting up your photographs and nervous about what peoples will say, but I promise I'll be nice.
Luv ya lots Shorty!
Little licks
That is amazing. He is very talented and the paintings are scary if you think about it.
I love his art work and think it would be awesome to see it in person/dog. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for stopping by to welcome me back=)
Wooos! Really cool pictures from a very talented artist! Mom really likes the last one! Thanks for sharing this amazing work!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Wowww those are some cool street art paintings, I wish I could see them in real life. Denver has a street painting festival in the summer and once in a while we get to see a really cool 3-D picture.
I was drawn into his work with my mouth open! What a talent he has! I have never seen his work. Thanks for sharing it with us! :)
Oh goodness, we were dizzy just looking at the picutres. These paintings are incredible, thanks for sharing Coco!
Wags and kisses, Dinah and Bridget xx
Those are simply amazing!
Oooh, these look just like the trailer for "2012"!
I love his work! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Coco, these pics are amazing - also a little scary!
Very clever!
We have just posted about our new blog design - our mum had to get help!!! It was very complicated!
Martha & Bailey xxx
COCO! Step away from the chasm! I would not want to lose you. I just saw this on Facebook the other day. Pretty amazing stuff, huh?
I went and made friends with Max. He is very handsome and Mom use to have a boy named Buck that looked very much like him.
Of course his girlfriend is beautiful too but I know he was thinking of you.
Thanks for sending me a new friend suggestion. It's pretty cool to know friends from so far away!
(((HUGS))) little one, from your Big Brown Buddy,
We've seen some of his work in the past -
Furry pawesome!
We not sure we'd want to go walkies on a street that he painted! YIKES!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
That's amazing! Never seen anything like that before! I bet it's that much more amazing in person. Wonder what they do with the street/painting afterwards?
Brutus the Frenchie
those are really cool pictures
Thanks Coco
Benny & Lily
Wow! those are pawtastic pictures! Thanks for sharing it with us! Have a great day Coco!!
OH! I missed this one!
was so busy swimming free
i passed this right by...
Good Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS GUY IS A GENIUS!!! That's amazing. I would LOVE to be in proximity to his work. Wow. Wow. Wow. Thank You Coco for opening my world :) and sharing these pictures!!!
Beeeeeeg Hugs and keeeeeeses. Namaste. :)
Very awesome!!! Thanks for sharing!!
That is really impressive work!!!! I can't even begin to imagine how he does that. My mom said she can't even draw stick people and he can change a street into a glacier....Thanks for sharing.
Oh now the comment box is working, it wouldn't work before. Ignore my email about not being able to post comments then.
These photos are so lifelike, AWESOME!!!!
Hi Coco! Nice pix..yup it did brought a smile on my talented that painter must be! My last painting with water-colors was when I was at school! :)
So what is your animal match? If you know your birthday, you can find out simply by taking this test.
Wow, his work is awesome, it looks so real. Thanks for sharing Coco.
Nice post - chiwawa pictures ..Keep Posting
chiwawa pictures
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