Wednesday, March 17, 2010

WordlessWednesday COCOPIE




The Musketeers said...

BOL ! Coco, I hope you're not involve in the ingredient list ! But anyway, did you get to nibble a bit of it ? :)

koko said...

Gasp!... for a moment I thought it was really Cocopie, phew... but it is Cocopie... BOL.

Licks, hero

The Musketeers said...

BOL ! No worries Coco, We can't eat chocolate, but we can eat something like chocolate, Carob !!! mmm~

Parsley said...

Yummmers! Too bad you can't eat those chocolate cupcakes that are as big as you and even NAMED after you.

Cookie gets upset everytime we eat cookies!

Anonymous said...

That look! I love it! :) lol

Chester said...

I've been hooked on Coco Pie for quite some time now. The packaged one can't be near as sweet as the real thing.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Woofs and green slobbers,
Chester ;0=)

Remington said...

WOW how cool is that! You have food with your name on it!

Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...


Draco and his Mom said...

Yummmmmm bitebly good. They are sweet, just like you. Happy St Patricks Day

JD and Max said...

Hi Coco - phew, we're glad you're not part of the actual pie, he he he! It sure looks yummy butour humans tell us we wouldn't be able to have any 'cos of the chocolate - humph!! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

the magic sleigh said...

Wooos Coco! I want that, but Mum would not allow me eat woo namesake!

~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Hi Coco! Sorry I have not been by in a while, trying hard to get all caught up. Welcome to your new sister Tiffy! OMD you are both sooo cute!

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Lookie thar!!! Two sweet treats in one picture!

Woofs and Kisses!

Martha said...

Hi Coco, that expression is most definitely Wordless!
Happy St Patrick Day to you all.
Martha & Bailey xxx

Deborah said...

Hi Coco! You are just too cute!!!

Mack said...

Are you an entrepeneur Miss Coco?

Mochi and Bali said...

That Cocopie looks yummy!

You look so cute in the pic! :)


Deborah said...

HI again,
You gave me a GREAT idea!!! If you want to go window shopping with me, just send me your pictures and I'll post them for you!!! We could have a window shopping day of some sort. I'm going to think about this! Great idea!!!
Sorry about trying to post so many times..I guess you were lucky on the third try!

kissa-bull said...

your so famous to have a delicious looking nom nom named after you
i bet ish just ash sweet ash you too
happy st pattys day
pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack

GonetoTheSnowDogs said...

Well aren't you special!! Food named after you!!!

Woo Wooo
Shiloh, Shelby, & Their Mom

Unknown said...

Cocopie for Cocorue and Twinkies for the Twink! We've got our sweets covered :)

houndstooth said...

I bet you're still sweeter than those pies!


Two French Bulldogs said...

now that is a scary treat BOL
Benny & Lily

1000 Goldens said...

I dream of desserts that are bigger than my whole body. You are lucky CoCo!

Anonymous said...

Well you are a cutiepie!!! Now everyone knows it! We all knew it already!

Hugs, Tessa

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mom rekhalls having things like that in her lunch when she was a wee wee wee girl!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: Please tell your mumster I'll have some pussy willow pikhs on FRIDAY'S blog!

Lori said...

Hi Coco! You are just the cutest little girl. So tiny and petite. I hope we can be friends!!!

Woof Y'all,

Lorenza said...

Your own treat!
Kisses and hugs

Golden Samantha said...

Whooooo! Those "namesake" cookies sure look yumzers! We always knew you'd have something sweet named after you! Please tell your sissy that even though we are sooooo late, we are ackowledging her award gift to us this eve and can't thank her enough!
Big Huggers xo

The Oceanside Animals said...


Olive said...

BOL!! What is it made of???!!

Licks from me!!

Olive :)

Thor and Jack said...

That Cocopie looks delish. Who put your name there??

Anonymous said...

How could star in a tv commercial hearing a littl chef hat, holding a wooden spoon dripping with chocolate!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That looks like what we call a whoppie pie - you are famous, Cocorue - you have a pie named for you. Bet Tiffy doesn't have one:)

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Life With Dogs said...

I hope you are collecting royalties! :)

Duke said...

You're truly famous, Coco! yummmmmmmm

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Clive said...

How cool is that, Coco!

Have a great weekend
Clive and the NSLM

Piappies World said...

That looks to yummy, Coco! We'd like to order a box please. BOL

Enjoy your weekend!

-Frappie, Mocha, Sugar & the Piappies

BRUTUS said...

Are you getting royalties for that fabulous endorsement?? I want a Cocopie!!

Brutus the Frenchie

Suka said...

hey Cocorue,

You have a chocolaty yummy dessert named after you?! I could eat you, er, I mean, the Cocopies all up! So could my human. Chocolate is her only vice!

A late, but huge, Congratulations on your Dogster awards! You certainly deserve them! You have a blog of love, and cheer!


p.s. hey Tiffane! Thanks (?) for tagging me! :-> No, I am not spoken for, I am a happy bachelor dog! I will post a response to your tagging soon. Do you have any chocolaty treats named after you?

Chester said...

Good morning Coco-well, it is mornin' my time. Anyway, I finally got to post the picture that you tagged me with last week. Stop over and check it out when you can find the time.

Hope you and your Mum are havin' a wonderful Monday and it lasts all week!
MWAH! and Big Brown Hugs to you both!
Chester ;0=)

Chester said...

Dear Tiffy, please accept my sincerest apologies as to whom the tag was from. I am a weak dog when it comes to beautiful lady dawgs and you two have my head in a spin! I was dazed and confused after seein' those pink jeans! Please tell Coco that not to be embarrassed for I firmly believe if you've got it-FLAUNT IT! I will try to do better in the future! ♥
(Hi Coco and Tiffy's daddy! Nice to meetchya!)


Hi Coco,

Don't tell me, are you making your own cookies now? Wow! Your gonna be rich!

Luv ya Cookie Pie!

Riley and Star.

Anonymous said...

OMG to Cute! You have 2 awards waiting for you at my blog cutie pie!

Mhathy y Peggy said...

You look so nice, I love this pic. Bechitos Peggy

Thanks for visiting

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