Happy Memorial Day to our American furiends!
we'd wanted to say "hello" and we are Not allowed
to stay too long as grandma needs company
as she still misses grandpa...
who is probably having
long relaxing walkies with our departed furiends...
please do excuse us if we do not have time
to visit as mumster is away most of the day
and when she's home, she just wants to sleep...
we will ensure we get to chat with you soon
Very Soon.....as we do miss you...
chi & poodlekisses,
to stay too long as grandma needs company
as she still misses grandpa...
who is probably having
long relaxing walkies with our departed furiends...
please do excuse us if we do not have time
to visit as mumster is away most of the day
and when she's home, she just wants to sleep...
we will ensure we get to chat with you soon
Very Soon.....as we do miss you...
chi & poodlekisses,

& Tiffy
Hello, good to see you again. Ooops, somebody watered the bed?
Take your time sweety, we'll be here for you.
We miss you too... but what's important now is for grandma to know she's loved and not alone... have you gals been giving grandma enough chi and poodle kisses :)
Licks, hero
Nice to see you! Have a Happy Memorial Day! I don't think peeing on Coco's bed is too nice....maybe rethink that one....
We understand. Please take all the time you need. I belive I told you it took a very long time for my Mom to function very well. And you have grief of your own. Blogging is just blogging, life happens to all of us. Know we are thinking of you and holding you in our hearts during this difficult(understatement)time.
Take care of yourself and we will be here.
Keeping you in our hearts
Jamie and the Texas Sun Dogs
Yes, peeing on your little sister's bed is fine!
Do take care, we completely understand that your Grandma needs you and your mum will be very tired.
It is very hard trying to support and comfort one parent whilst grieving for the other.
love and kisses
Hehehe! We love you two!
to ME it's behaving, but our Mums may have a different idea!
We hope you are doing well and you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Hi Coco and Tiffy, we miss you lots but know that the Grandma is most important right now. You are not forgotten though and enjoy anything that you are able to share.
Grandmas are very special and worth taking good care of!
Tee hee! Tiffy, you scamp! We love you! Of course these things just accidentally happen sometimes!
Take all the rest you need..
and Grandma need you now !!!
Hugs to all Kareltje =^.^=
Tiffy and Coco
I'm sowwy that I haven't visited in time to give my condolences to youw Mommi and family. Pleez take cawe of hew and youw Gwamma. I know you can help make theiw days bwightew
smoochie kisses
Please tell your Grandma to take all the time she needs. We understand and will be here when she's ready. Just let her know we love her and give her as many extra kisses and cuddles as you can.
(((HUGS))) for you, Lillian! Thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers.
Awwww, so good to get to see you two. We all understand - it is important for Mom to be there for Grandma now. Take care.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Coco thank you for your little visit to give us updates. Your sis looks like she needs a talkin too
Benny & Lily
Its ok Tiff, with Mom spending so much time with her Mom it is difficult for little ones to deal with. Use your wee wee pads and be good for your Mom.
Ah my little CocoRue, so happy that you are giving your Mom the best care, she so needs you right now.
Dearest Lilian, we will wait for you and the girls to come back to bloging, don't you worry!
You are still in our thoughts and prayers.
Hugs, Tessa and Blu
Sure you have been behaving!
Good girl! Ooops! I hope Coco does not read this comment!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
It is furry important fur your mumster to do those things...
We hope all of woo are doing well!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Please tell your mom to take her time. We will be here when she is able to get back to us. We do miss you though!
Tiffy, you better be careful, you never know what Coco will do to get you back!
We all miss you too, but we'll be here when you get back!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
We understand. Please take care of your mom and grandma.
hey Cocorue and Tiffany,
So furry happy to see new pictures of you two lovely pups! Coco, your dress is adorable. You look so pretty! Please woof to your mommy that she take all the time she needs, and to make sure to get plenty of sleep, as that is so important (as us dogs well know!). Sorry to hear your grandma is still so sad, but I know it takes time.
Tiffy, I don't think wetting a dog bed is a very good idea. I know you are a good girl, but dog beds are our shrines, and we need to keep them clean and fluffy and cozy and comfy!
that's very cute.
Happy June!
It is great to hear from you. Be sure your mom and grandma are getting lots of furry kisses, which every buddy knows is the best medicine for a sad heart. We miss you!
Hope you all had a great weekend.
I think I'm going to enjoy scampering around your blog...sniff sniff!
Hello girls
We hope your mum is feeling better and send you all our love.
Huh, my goodness, that is not very ladylike to wee on Coco's bed Tiffy, hope you said sorry, lol!
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx
Awwwwwwwwww girls.....we're soo happy seeing you again....
We miss you tons....
But take your time.....we'll be here for you when you'll come back!!!!
We had bad times too...but now we're doing better......
we thought to you always!!!!!
Take care....
Tons of love and kisses and licks
Maybe....just maybe....You were lovingly WATERING Coco's bed with Your very sacred body fluids in hopes that all her dreams would grow....
Maybe??? :lol:
BIIIIIGGGGG HUGS to You ALL!!!! The photos are TOOOOO cute! Lord! Cheers and Namaste. :)
Dixie Says: Hulo kyoot litool poodle puppy, I wood luv to kum & play wiv yoo & coco
Just stoppin' by 'cuz we've been thinkin' of you and miss you A LOT! You do what needs to be done with family and know that we understand!
BIG BROWN (((HUGS))) to you all!
Chester & Mom ;0=)
Pee. Ess. - Tiffy, it's time for you to big a biggie girl and not pee where you're not supposed to. Coco does not appreciate it and Mum doesn't need sumpthin' else to deal with. I know you can do it!
I was away from home when you did this post but I wanted to stop by and say Hi and let you know you are in my thoughts.
Tiffy, I don't think it's very nice to pee in your sister's bed. But you are still cute.
hihi miss coco and miss tiffy!
me and asa have been away at summer camp and just got home this week. we all miss you, but it's super important to take good care of your grammy. please give her lots of gooey nose kisses for me.
oh, and miss tiffy, it may not be in your best interests to potty on your sister's bed...i'm just keepin' it real.
the booker man
Hello CocoRue my Sweet Friend and your little sister too! I just wanted to say hello to you and your Mom and let you all know that my Mom and I are thinking of you. We hope that your Mom is doing well, your Grandma too.
Big Hugs, Tessa
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