Monday, November 22, 2010

Awards From & To Good Furiends.......

a BIG ThankQ
who presented this to us way back
in September.....
Yes, way Back in September!

our apologies as we forgot to post earlier...

we're supposed to list 7 random things
about ourselves and
then tag 15 bloggers

as we have two Awards to be
 thankful for,
we will divide this post between
Tiffy and moi

CoCo on Tiffý:
7 random things about Tiffy:

1)  Tiffy is a poodle who is less intelligent
than a chihuahua and
not as intelligent as she Thinks...

2) Behind that angelic face is a Devil
in disguise!

3) she sleeps IN mumster's shoes

4) she is a Kissing s$%&^!

5) she is fearful of unfamiliar noises...
quite cowardly at times......

6) when out in her carrier, she likes
Licking unsuspecting hoomans esp
little hooman puppies...

7) with her chicken in her mouth,
 she whines like a hooman puppy
after she poos...

CoCo: There you have it!
Hey, Tiff, pick your 15 doggie furiends!!!

Tiffy:  That CoCo is Not very nice ...
I have many furiends but I will close my
eyes and just pick randomly as
i 'm nicer than CoCo and
hope NOT to offend my furiends...
Santa&Minnie........ Sagira    Bunny...
3Doxies PiappesWorld   Samantha
FiestyThree  Mayzie Mochi

Toby&gang  Khyra
Tessa     Olive  Lorenza

CoCo: told you  Tiffy can't count!

Now, please Don't Forget to go
to your furiends' blogs
 to inform them of the award!!!

ThankQ to Olive  for this award

List 10 things about yourself
and then tag 15 furiends

Tiffy on CoCo
Tiffy: now's my turn bol...

1) my sister CoCo loves me lots
but is too egoistic to admit it!

2)  she eats her own poo, ahhhhhhhhhh!!!

3) i think she's a hooman in disguise
with That eye contact....

4)  she Can't lie on her back bol....

5)  she's cuckoo as she Turns
round in circles during feeding
and she Can't pee or poo
without turning !!!

6)  she likes sitting on dadster to
keep an eye on mumster; i mean
Really keeping an eye on mumster
 at ALL times!

7)  if she claims to be intelligent,
why is she hiding Where
she Can be Seen???

8) she Calls out to crawlies
when she wants to snack...
she thinks THEY are Stooooopid???

9) she snaps and growls at mumster
and then Expects to be fed...
is she Dense or what????

10) she Thinks She Can Dance...BOL!!!

11) oooooops, that's it????

Tiffy:  hey CoCo,
you have Any furiends?????

CoCo: you wait, you little minx.....
My good furiends:

Sugar    JD&Max  OP Pack

TheGirls    Riley   Yoda&Brutus

BookerMan  SquirrelQueen  Twinkie

Sprinkles  Zoolatry girls Tweedles

Peggy   Farley  Twix  Asta

AveryJack  Brutus  Daisy  Mack

Dennis  DipDip Chester  Kissabull

Tiffy:  now, WHO Can't Count?????
Have a good Monday all........

Tiffy &

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Guess Who Tiffane Is Related To???????????

mummyyyyyyyyyy, aunt Jess CAN'T be related to
Tiffy ?????
they do look so alike bol.........

I am definitely Not related to Either...

A Very Happy Birthday to aunt Jessica,
...our photog uncle WLiem's Jess...
( a great way to remember your birthday Bol
and Dare we ask "how young?" )

slightly older than Tiffy?????


Friday, November 12, 2010

Sincere Gratitude....From the Bottom of our Hearts

we should Not take things and hoomans for granted
and since i'm 11months ( not years, please....) today

(oh no, soon i'll be as old as my old geezer sister..
hey, that's a fact; if not, please enlighten me
as to how old is considered Old??? )

i would like to take this opportunity...
to thank our hoomans for taking care of us
and for bringing home the bacon
and to mum for burning and eating the bacon
( hey, that's quoting dadster ! )

our furiends for their love and tolerance ...
for  putting up with our antics and
being on this crazy ride with us....

our favourite uncle WeeLiem
(well, he's mum's good friend )
a talented ballroom dancer
(together with his wife, aunt Jess)
 photographer besides moonlighting
as an engineer...or is it
the other way around???
( the moon is lit by him???)

an engineer who dances and shoots well!

From the bottom of our tiny hearts,
We Love All of You...

my smaller, big sister CoCo
is as usual,
deFavourite of most hoomans....

and of course, i AM grateful for
these miserable Three pictures from uWLiem.....*sigh*

gratefully yours,

pee ess:  i will be ONE year old soon...yipeeee!


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

OMG It Just Can't Be.....Vets ARE NOT Just Vets???

once upon a night,
mumster sat us down after a night out
 and this is
how the conversation went...
mumster:  hey, you two!  guess who i danced
with tonight?????

we: our favourite uncle WeeLiem as
dadster has two left feet......

mumster:  see, CoCo, your favourite.....

CoCo:  oh NOoooooooo, it Can't be.......
vets don't dance Or do they???

mumster:  yep, it's your favourite vet Dr Y!!!
and he's a smooth dancer CoCo!

you know girls, initially, i couldn't believe my eyes
when i saw him on the dance floor.....

CoCo:  OMG OMG, it IS him.......
the one i bit when he hurt meeeeee.....and you
too Tiff

CoCo:  mumster still thinks the world of HIM
eventhough he hurt us.....
OK, many many moons ago.....

( i will still bark at you Dr Y, your moves still
don't move moi.......)

& Tiffy.

Pee Ess: mumster's story

mumster to dadster who left earlier that night: hey, come back
you wouldn't believe who's on the dance floor....
CoCo's vet!!!

dadster: you're sure??? Dr Y????

mumster: yeah, just confirmed with his wife!!!

dadsterhow do you know it's his wife as
you've Not met her before???

mumster: men! anyway
i'm going to ask him for a  dance...
whoa, CoCo's dancing vet.....

CoCo:  DrY is the best as his handiwork
on me, when i had my luxated patella, is
impeccable - according to mumster.

hey Tiff, do you think he was dancing
 during Our ops hmm.....???

Thanks for visiting

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