Monday, November 22, 2010

Awards From & To Good Furiends.......

a BIG ThankQ
who presented this to us way back
in September.....
Yes, way Back in September!

our apologies as we forgot to post earlier...

we're supposed to list 7 random things
about ourselves and
then tag 15 bloggers

as we have two Awards to be
 thankful for,
we will divide this post between
Tiffy and moi

CoCo on Tiffý:
7 random things about Tiffy:

1)  Tiffy is a poodle who is less intelligent
than a chihuahua and
not as intelligent as she Thinks...

2) Behind that angelic face is a Devil
in disguise!

3) she sleeps IN mumster's shoes

4) she is a Kissing s$%&^!

5) she is fearful of unfamiliar noises...
quite cowardly at times......

6) when out in her carrier, she likes
Licking unsuspecting hoomans esp
little hooman puppies...

7) with her chicken in her mouth,
 she whines like a hooman puppy
after she poos...

CoCo: There you have it!
Hey, Tiff, pick your 15 doggie furiends!!!

Tiffy:  That CoCo is Not very nice ...
I have many furiends but I will close my
eyes and just pick randomly as
i 'm nicer than CoCo and
hope NOT to offend my furiends...
Santa&Minnie........ Sagira    Bunny...
3Doxies PiappesWorld   Samantha
FiestyThree  Mayzie Mochi

Toby&gang  Khyra
Tessa     Olive  Lorenza

CoCo: told you  Tiffy can't count!

Now, please Don't Forget to go
to your furiends' blogs
 to inform them of the award!!!

ThankQ to Olive  for this award

List 10 things about yourself
and then tag 15 furiends

Tiffy on CoCo
Tiffy: now's my turn bol...

1) my sister CoCo loves me lots
but is too egoistic to admit it!

2)  she eats her own poo, ahhhhhhhhhh!!!

3) i think she's a hooman in disguise
with That eye contact....

4)  she Can't lie on her back bol....

5)  she's cuckoo as she Turns
round in circles during feeding
and she Can't pee or poo
without turning !!!

6)  she likes sitting on dadster to
keep an eye on mumster; i mean
Really keeping an eye on mumster
 at ALL times!

7)  if she claims to be intelligent,
why is she hiding Where
she Can be Seen???

8) she Calls out to crawlies
when she wants to snack...
she thinks THEY are Stooooopid???

9) she snaps and growls at mumster
and then Expects to be fed...
is she Dense or what????

10) she Thinks She Can Dance...BOL!!!

11) oooooops, that's it????

Tiffy:  hey CoCo,
you have Any furiends?????

CoCo: you wait, you little minx.....
My good furiends:

Sugar    JD&Max  OP Pack

TheGirls    Riley   Yoda&Brutus

BookerMan  SquirrelQueen  Twinkie

Sprinkles  Zoolatry girls Tweedles

Peggy   Farley  Twix  Asta

AveryJack  Brutus  Daisy  Mack

Dennis  DipDip Chester  Kissabull

Tiffy:  now, WHO Can't Count?????
Have a good Monday all........

Tiffy &


Taffy said...

Hi girls! In 'Coco on Tiffy' I love #6! Gave me a giggle! In 'Tiffy on Coco' I totally agree with #3! Thanks so much for sharing this with me. I've been remiss about posting awards lately too. Have a good week!

Diana Chiew said...

Hi Coco and Tiffy,

Thanks for the award!

Sierra Rose said...

Great stuffs to learn about you all! Thanks for sharing the award :) Have a fantastic day friends.

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Remington said...

Thank are so kind.... I love learning about you!

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Girls!
Congrats and Thank you so much for the award!

Thor x

Anonymous said...

Heehee...I liked how you each told us about the other one. Spoken like true sisters!

Congratulations on your awardies and thank you, thank you for sharing with me!

Wiggles & Wags,

Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...

That's a pretty interested piece of fact you gave there Tiffy about Ms. Coco eating her own poo, we did not know that!!!

Thank you so much for honoring us with this award! It may be some time that we can get to posting about it as our Mom/assistant is on the verge of being fired by us for not keeping up on our blog! (Though we do have to say in her defense that she's been very busy lately with sewing, which we really don't mind because she's been making us lots and lots of clothes and beds!)

Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell

Pee the way, you can check out Lilibell's Couture at Coco, she has a cupcake dress with a matching necklace that would look just divine with your cupcake carrier!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello coco and tiffy its dennis the vizsla dog hay congratchoolayshuns and thank yoo!!! i think the sunday awards and meem show is bak in bizness!!! ok bye

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

BOl - you two are so funny. It isn't hard to tell your are sisters:)

Thanks for the award and have a great week.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Sagira said...

Aww..congrats on your awards and thanks so much for sharing one with us. :)

Clive said...

Congrats on the awards - we enjoyed reading all the great things about you both!

take care
Clive and Murray

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Girls you are too funny sometimes! Oh we thank you for the award so much.


Golden Samantha said...

We have definitely been bad bloggy buds and so sorry... it's all Mama's fault cause we've been pawing her to blog and comment and all, but she's been sumpin' called bizzy - huh... what's that? But we wanted to wish you BIG congrats on those two awards - you so totally deserve them! And we also wanted to thank you so much for passing on the Versatile Blogger award to us - it's Avalon's first award (shared with moi, of course!) Merci, merci, merci!
Big Hugs and Love xoxoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon

Two French Bulldogs said...

Coco thank you so much for our award. We did receive it but are happee you thought of us
Benny & Lily

sprinkles said...

I love how you told a little something about each other, very cute!

Congrats on your awards and thanks for passing one on to me. Now I have to think of 10 things about me.

houndstooth said...

You two crack me up! It was fun learning more about you. Thanks so much for the awards!


Lorenza said...

Congratulations on your Award!
And thanks a lot for giving it to me!
those are 2 pretty good lists of interesting things about you two!
Kisses and hugs

Tweedles -- that's me said...

My sweetest friends
I have been missing you!
Congratualtions on your award,,,, and
thank you so much for thinking of me.
I will be wanting to dance soon!

the booker man said...

miss coco and miss tiffy,

you ladies totally crack me up. heehee! gratsers on your shiny awardies!! :)
thankies so much for passin' on the doggie bloggie awardie to me!

the booker man

Suka said...

hey Cocorue and Tiffy,

Thank you SO much for the very cool award! It is pawsome and I am so furry happy you thought of me! Tail wags and licks!

Congratulations to both of you for your two pawsome awards! You both deserve it, and many more! You have such a fun blog, and you two pups are super funny and super gorgeous!

Tiffy, that is so funny that you whine after pooing! And Cocorue, eating your own poo? Such personal poo habits exposed to the World...
Silly pups! ;->


SquirrelQueen said...

Tiffy & Coco, you are both so funny. We really learned a lot about both of you today.
Congratulations on your awards and thank you for sharing with us.

Purrs & Hugs,
Cindi Lou

3 doxies said...

Heheheheeh...oh girls, ya'll is so funny! Ya'll acts like me and my brudder. I loves him too but I don't usually admit it.
Number 2 is soooooooooo much like me...I gots a good giggle readin' dat.
Thank you so very much furs giving me da awardie, I appreciate it so much. You girls are wonderfuls!


Chester said...

Hiya Coco and Tiffy! There's some real interestin' tidbits I have just learned about you both. Seems to me you have a little envy issue goin' on between you. Isn't it time you lay down your ammunition and become friends as well as sisters? I'm sure it would make your Mumster and Dadster very happy.

(Personally, I wouldn't give a rat's rear-end about makin' my own Mom happy, but yours is so very nice that I'd like to see you bond for her sake.)

Thank you so very much for thinkin' of me when handin' out awards. I admit to bein' very bad at acceptin' awards but I am tryin' to do better. I will attempt to get my random thoughts together and post them very soon.

Woofs and bonded slobbers,
Chester ;0=)

Mack said...

You poo with a chicken in your mouth? That is AWESOME! Thanks so much for the award!!


Piappies World said...

BOL! You are both funny, Coco and Tiffy! You both listed out very interesting things about each other. We send you cuddles and hugs for being so sweet to each other. BOL

We thank you for sharing with us the Versatile Blogger Award. We really appreciate it. Weeeee

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max

Daisy Dog said...

Oh thank you for this wonderful award!!! We will post it soon, but in the mean time stayed tuned for an exciting Chihuahua post!!

Martha said...

Congrats on your Awards and thank you so much for sharing with us.
Martha sometimes eats Bailey's poo but not her own....!
Martha and Bailey xxx

Mochi and Bali said...

We love this post about you two! :) Thank you for the award! :)

Mochi & Bali

Peggy y Mhathy said...

Hi friends, thanks for the visit and for the award. We appreciate it too much. chikisses. Peggy

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...



Thanks furry furry much!

Great things woo shared!


TwoSpecialWires said...

September? We're both proud of you AND impressed! (We won't admit how behind Moma is on helping us with awards ... it's embarrassing!) Anyhow. We wanted to thank you for stopping by our blog during the Worldwide Moment. It was great to be part of such a huge family at that moment in time.

Happiness to you
Jake and Fergi

Unknown said...

Dear Coco & Tuffy,
we are sorry we didn't come by earlier. But we assure you it is entirely Mumsy's fault.

Thanks so very much for sharing your award with you.
We will get Mummy to help us forward it.
And of course, we just LOVED knowing more about you both.
wags, Buddy n Ginger

Anya said...

Thanks for your sweet words
the last days/weeks
it means a lot to me
to have real friends in blogging world

Kareltje =^.^=

Thanks for visiting

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