Hello, hello........
How is everyone?????????
We have been MIA and we do have
many, er, rather good Excuses.........
we just welcomed the Lunar New Year
on Thursday February3
we are STILL celebrating as ChineseNewYear
is celebrated for 15 days.......
Yes, you read right, 15 whole days of
yum yum Eating!!!
i guess, the above pictures are self-explanatory???
along the way, we met up with new friends and
old bol..........
auntie Yukiko trying to explain Tico's presence...
MY new bf Tico who seemed more
taken by my sister CoCo....hmmmmm,
i wonder Why???......
( CoCo does look deliciously juicy ha......)
our old friend, ChiChi
and her adoring mummy.....
CoCo desperately hanging on to her Divaness...
our cool and talented cousin SanYen
( i just had to add him here......i may be
a dawg and who Dare say i can't drool over
a hooman hunk? )
now, You Can't expect me to be amused
being handled This way.....huh, you
leeeeeeetle hooman puppy.....
THIS is total Betrayal!!!
That sister and dadster Left me with that
leeeeeeetle hooman puppy
so they can go chill at That coffee place again!!!
guess i can only Depend on my faithful dawgies........
So , that's my eventful week
i trust yours was fun too???

Our furiend TWIX is unwell
and we Know that if
we All Pray together,
she WILL get better,
we just KNOW it.....
Will you please join us in
wishing her well, thankQ
So , that's my eventful week
i trust yours was fun too???

Our furiend TWIX is unwell
and we Know that if
we All Pray together,
she WILL get better,
we just KNOW it.....
Will you please join us in
wishing her well, thankQ
Tiffy, you are looking so grown up now - and beautiful. You have the most gorgeous furs and such a rich color - Mom is in love with you.
Happy Chinese New Year and enjoy the remaining fun!!
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hi there, Kong Hei Fatt Choi!! We have eyes just on the two of you. You two are such sweet girls!! Yikes...we don't think we like ChiChi.
We must apologise on behalf of our Aunty Diana. She did receive your Mummy's sms to her but don't know what has gotten over her, she has totally forgotten about it. Please tell your Mummy Aunty Diana said "sorry".
Happy Chinese New Year,it looks like your having so much fun!!
Thanks for voting for me!
Buffy & Deborah
Tiffy... you have more Dachshund toys than I do!!! This was a grrrreat posty nice to see your impawtant two leggers... except fur when your dad was being a traitor. hehehe
Happy Chinese New year!! Sounds like fun is being had by all. Love the photos.
That cewtainly was a vewy eventful and fun week, and being left wif those cute hooman pups doesn't sound bad at all.
Bof you and Coco look wondewful. I do love youw gowgeous haiw..I'm even a little jelly
I wish mine was that colow and cuwly.
I celebwated Chinese NewYeaw too, but only fow a couple of days GWWWW
smoochie kisses
Happy Chinese New Year!!!!
Tiffy you are getting so BIG!
CocoRue, you are just so tiny, I am not sure who is bigger, you or ChiChi! BOL
But we sure do know who Daddys Girl is!
woo woos, Tessa
So great seeing you again! Happy Chinese New Year! Enjoy!
Such cute photos. Looks like you have been up to a lot of fun. :)
Happy Chinese New Year!! What a busy time you have been having ....
take care
Clive and Murray
Oh Coco you have been missed! Your new bf is awfully cute.
Benny & Lily
14 Whole Days of Eating??? WOW! That sounds absolutely pawsome! It sure does look like you had lots of fun...even with the little human. Just remember, they're real good at dropping treats!
Wiggles & Wags,
Hi, Tiffy!
14 days of celebration?? Wow! That is pawesome!
Hmmm... I guess you were not the happiest there with the leeeetle human!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hi Tiffy, Happy Chinese New Year!
Wow, you get to celebrate for 14 days, that sounds like fun. It's good to see you and CoCo again.
We are sorry to hear about Twix, we will add our prayers and wishes for a recovery.
Purrs & Hugs,
Cindi Lou and Mom
Loved seeing all of your photos! Woofs and wags to you!
Oh Dog, you guys have the bestest celebrations over there....15 whole days of nothing but stuffing your faces!! Tiffy, you look like you're too stuffed to even move and Coco, did we catch you sticking your tongue out at ChiChi?
Waggles & Chi Kisses, Chewy & Lilibell
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