i was a pain this morning and mum sat me down and this is her wisdom......today and most days......
sit girl.....
i'm already sitting, are you losing your sight mum????
look girl, don't give me that innocent look as you can't fool me....
but you're already fooled mum, didn't you read the article that dogs feel pain, anger BUT NOT guilt?????
do you not know that i know you better than anyone and having to scold you daily is no fun and you think i'm nuts right????
i don't think mum, i KNOW......(still trying to look sad)
when i say "NO" i mean no girl, do you get??? if you're smarter, you would explain why you're stressing me, right??????
if you were smarter mum, you would know i wouldn't have to.....
i swear if i ever have a heart attack, it's your fault.......
oh, don't be a drama queen mum and please don't swear.....(and i licked her ever so gently and gave her kisses.....) and decided to keep quiet......as i can't remember who said this but some wise guy quoted that...
"silence is true wisdom's best reply"
ahhhhhhh.............another day, another episode..........
so tell me, how's your mum today?????????