dear Chester, i've enjoyed dancing with you and i trust you feel the same. you really do have rhythm and since my current latin dancing partner is moving on, would you consider being my permanent dance do like to salsa too, i believe???
it's ok Fudgepants, we're just very good pals....
hellooooo, have faith in your Chester......
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now that we've given all of you enough entertainment since Brutus's and moi's debut yesterday, let's have some fun with you macho dawgs tomorrow.........
so tune in girly dawgs

ok, mumster was trying to make me look more elegant, and clipped my ears instead...
We do look good together dancin', don't we Coco? Hard to believe but you have the same dress as Truffles and she wore it the night we went disco dancin'. I'm sure she will be OK with this 'cuz she knows we are really good buddies and what's wrong with a little booty shakin' between friends? I don't know if she'd feel the same if it was Godiva but we aren't gonna let that happen, are we?
All that dancin' made me hungry-I need to beg for some extra biscuits now!
Thanks for a fun evening!
Chester ;0=)
You have done tons of exciting things during our absence!!!!
You're a prefect and sexy you want dance with us????
We'll be honored!!!!!
And you went to the beach?????
Awwwwwwwwwwww......we love the beach....would love were with you sweet princess!!!!!!'re soooooooooooooooo cute sleeping on your pillow!!!
CAn we cuddle you????!!!!!
We're sooooooooooo happy to read about you again!!!!!
HAve a wonderful day!!!
Tons of love and kisses!!!!!!!
Ooooh Coco, you sexy thang, wooooooooo!! Please tell your mumster to STOP clipping those beautiful ears!
Waggles, Chewy
Nice hustle, guys!
Wooftastic! You have some wonderful moves Coco!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo and Bobo
I'm texting my votes right now...
You two sure know how to shake it up!!!
Woos and happy weekend, the OP Pack
So cute!
Wow, get a load of those...I've got to go and get myself Jib-Jabbed!
Very nice job dancing! We love it.
Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish
Your talent is awe inspiring, not to mention your Beauty Coco!
well goodness gracias!
your surprises never end...
disco queen as well???
WOWEEE! I don't know who Fudgepants is but I bet she ate her heart out and then some! Very stylin' Ms. Coco!
Cheers! :)
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