calling ALL GALS out's our HUNKY dawgs bringing it on JUST for YOOOO.....

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!
big PAWS to our Chewy, Studd, Hero, Bentley & Draco........great bods guys and TQ for being such good sports......
have a restful weekend ALL.....

pee esss: TQ to ALL the voters out there - whoever & wherever you are -
i am truly humbled
as there are others with more awesome ears......
and good luck to ALL the EARS out there
These JibJab things are so funny.
Oh! My! DoG! Coco, that video really got my blood pressure up....dangerous for us older pups! I never thought my Chi furiends had such great bods. Of course, I knew Hero had one. I enjoyed your little butt shakin, Hero! Thanks for making that video boys!
Wow-wee I didn't know you doggies could dance like that!
Wags & wiggles,
Hi, Coco!
They sure know how to "move it"
Kisses and hugs
Someone please get the smelling salts - Lilly has fainted from all the sexiness!
I have got the VAPORS!
Hello CocoRue,
So cute, how about a new TV show? Dancing with the pup Hunks?
Hugs, Tessa
OMG Coco, I soooo loved it!! Steve and I were sitting here watching it and I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes!! Steve absolutely loved it too!!
Kisses, Auntie Nadine
Great moves - such fun you had.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Grrrreat video Coco:) We are a hot bunch of dudes.
Hi Coco, I can't help laughing at the video... thanks for making us laugh. Those were definitely some moves we have got :)
Licks, hero
Thanks for you comment on my blog. I couldn't tell if I missed a comment and you had a question for me. If so please email me
Cute blog!!!!
OMD!! THAT WAS A RIOT!!!! Phew! I am going to faint from all the hotness!
Our darling cousin Coco, I apologize for not seeing this sooner. We are still trying to get caught up on all our favorite blogs. Please do not fret over not asking to include me. I do not mind one bit! It is great and I do look very handsome if I do say so myself. Tell my auntie Lilian that I love her and give her some Chihuahua kisses from me please.
Chihuahua kisses for you too,
Well well well!!!! I do believe I'm blushing! Leeettllee Coco! Your innocent looks do deceive, Mon Ami!!!! :) And My! What wonderful dancers You and Your buddies are! Cheers All and applause all around! :)
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