Dear friends, we just learnt that our dear friend Max from South Africa
will be undergoing surgery tomorrow.
Please pray for him and his family and I know HE will be looking after them too,
We are well but sad on learning about Max......
will be undergoing surgery tomorrow.
Please pray for him and his family and I know HE will be looking after them too,
We are well but sad on learning about Max......
We have not been posting owing to various reasons,
one of which is
we panicked unnecessarily when we suspected
that deCoco may be diabetic...
that deCoco may be diabetic...
Reasons for suspicion: ugly black ants on her washable pee pads on numerous occasions
Reasons for anxiety: the princess has had operations on both knees for luxated patellas /torn ligament
and because of her size and tiny veins, the vet had difficulty extracting blood from her;
in fact, he gave up trying...
so the thought of a blood test makes us jittery and Coco would probably be
traumatised enough to bite the vet again....
After numerous telephone conversations and fasting her the night before the consultation,
her wise pedicurist ( well, that's why deCoco is a princess and we're not, lol....)
suggested testing her urine with keto/glucose strips. A glucose-positive test indicates likely canine diabetes; if it shows ketones, you need to get to the veterinarian right away.
Results: glucose negative and we are repeating the test again on Monday
meanwhile, no bananas, pears etc just for this week
Hopefully, she does not have to visit the poor panic stricken vet and his assistants for awhile as
they fear this little 3 pounder LOL....
thanks for caring,
lilian &

pee ess: we also didn't post earlier as we knew the aunties would be worried too
if we didn't have answers......
Oh, poor Coco!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed that the repeat test goes well.
Sounds like a good chekhk!
My mom's furst Sibe was diabetikh - she just khaught her pee stream and did a test strip - they would adjust her insulin based upon the results -
BUT we are glad to see woo are a healthy princess!
Hi Coco and Lilian!
Sorry to hear about Coco..hope all turns out well! Will keep my paws crossed and send good sibevibes ASAP!
Maxx & Mommy
Hope everything's fine with Coco.
Yay, we are so glad your test came back negative Coco. Those needles are the worst! We are keeping all our paws crossed the next one is fine too.
You look so sweet peeking out of your carry bag.
Wags and kisses, Dinah, Bridget and Elliot xx
Sorry to hear about Max, we hope the surgery is successful. We will keep him in our thoughts.
Coco, we are glad your first test was negative and hoping the next is as well. A little princess should not have to deal with such trauma. We are certain the vet and his staff are relieved as well, poor things.
Hugs & purrs,
Judy and Miss Cindi Lou
Hey there Lillian
It seems like both our pooches have question marks hanging over their heads at the moment. Our thoughts and prayers are with you too. It's good news for you with the first result. Thanks for being there and lots of love to you and your extended family.
We read about Max just this morning. Our paws will be crossed for him!
And our paws will be crossed for you too, Coco. We hope that second test strip is negative too!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I've been wonderin' where you've been keepin' yourself Coco. I am distressed thinkin' that you might be diabetic. I will have Mom say prayers that your tests continue to be negative and I will send you and your Mom some big brown slobbers to make you feel better. (((HUGS))) from the both of us and keep us up to date with how you are. We will go visit Max now and let him know we care for him too!
Chester :=)
Pee. Ess. Today might not be a good day to visit my blog 'cuz if you have a sweet tooth you might be tempted.
Positive thoughts being sent to you & Coco for another negative glucose test! We will also keep Max in our thoughts today...
Very smart manicurist, we hope all goes well
We're glad that Coco's test came back negative. We'll keep our paws crossed that it continues to be good news!
Woofs and Kisses!
Hi Coco,
I have my paws crossed the next test comes out okay so you don't have to go see the vet.
We'll start a chant for Coco! "Neg-a-tive, neg-a-tive, neg-a-tive, neg-a-tive!"
Oh Coco...I am sooo glad you don't have to go to the vet right now. That sugar thing is AWFUL my mom has to go to the doctor alot for that...they take her blood out and she Hates it, I don't think she is brave enough to bite the doctor though.BOL watch all those tasty things and mind what your mom says about eating.
Wags and Kisses
We are sending lots of love and prayers to Max and his family. And we hope your second test is negative, Coco. Stay healthy! :-)
I hope your not diabetic. That would be terrible. I read about MAX today and I'm keeping MAX and Coco in my prayers. Thank you.
PS How can anyone be afraid of Coco??
Hi Coco, So sorry about all the worries over there - hope they don't try to take blood again - owchies, you poor dear. And thank you for telling me about Max - I'm going right over now. With biggest huggies,
xo Sammie
Good Lord! I'm SO sorry You All have been going through this!!! I hope that Max did alright, and I hope Leeetle Coco Rue's test comes out negative again. Sigh. I'll be sending much, much Love to You All! Big Hugs and Kisses....:)
Well, you have had a lot on your plate these days! I trust that all will be fine and that your lives will continue to bring you many turns of joy and happiness. The waiting is the worst! I will be thinking of you all and praying all will turn out fine! :)
We hope and pray the the second test comes out negative too!!
Happy healing Smileys!
Hope all is well and that the next test is negative too.. Hugs GJ x
Good to see you little friend! Sorry to hear about the scare with diabetes - I know how much that worries the humans when they think we are sick! Mom is always having to check the pH of my pee (I have a problem that makes it too acidic, and we have to check all the time to see if we need to adjust my medicine), so my mom has gotten really good at getting me to pee on command! Gotta go - we're off to check on Max (thanks for the tip!).
Brutus the Frenchie
phew... we hope the next test is negative as well
we sure are thinkin about him Coco
Benny & Lily
I'm glad the first test came back negative! I'll cross my paws that the next test will be negative too!
I'll head over to visit Max and his family.
Oh no Coco......we will keep our paws crossed for you.
Ram amd Midge
Hi Cocorue!! I sure hope you are okay!!! Let us know as soon as possible. I miss you!
Thanks for the info about Max, we left him a great message.
You my dear, we have you in our prayers! Now you get better cause the vet is scared of you!
Hugs, Tessa
We were wondering where you have been. We hope your test comes out well and that you don't have any diabetes. We need you to be well.
Poor Max, we were very sad to read his news today - too much of that bad "c" word going around these days. We will be wooing very hard for a smooth surgery for Max and a wonderful recovery.
woos, the OP Pack
Coco, we hope your tests turn out OK - we know how scary the vet is and we can understand why you would bite.
After all you are so very tiny and they have to understand that they are huge and scary!!!!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
Thank goodness Coco is alright! I can well understand your panic, as I went through the same panic thing this summer with Lilibell (as you know!). I am praying that the next test comes back negative too so that the vets won't have to be scared by Coco! Give that little peanut a big kiss from me and her cousins!!
MUAH!!!! Auntie Nadine
P.S. I hope your friend Max does well with his surgery!
Lilian & Coco, we are sorry we are so late reading this. But we are so happy to hear that d Coco is going to be okay. Lilian, you were right that we would worry and worry until we got answers. The munchkins say they hope d Coco doesn't have to go to the V-E-T and be traumatized. It's never fun going to the V-E-T. We are all sending you both our love.
Chihuahua kisses,
Tiffany, Bentley, & Lexus
Hi sweet Coco, we missed you and we hope all is good now with you. We are thinking of you, sending good thoughts so you don't have to go to the vet again. We are also keeping Max in our thoughts! there's enough room in our prayers for all the doggies in need, that's the magic of being faithful!
Have a nice week friend!
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