
PS: Hi, de Princess's mumster here.....
She's fine but I 'll have to watch her closely. What I didn't share earlier was that she did vomit, was sleeping and urinating more and with that swarm of ants on her pee pads on numerous occasions, I panicked. The second test was 'iffy' hence the third test which did not change colour.
What this incident taught me is that I can't take things for granted, she's more delicate than I thought and I just have to be more careful ( did give her sugar occasionally as I was informed that it helps her coat - stupid and ignorant me, I know now....)
The most challenging thing about canine diabetes is the fact that it may not have any symptoms at all
Thank Q for caring
PeePee Ess: Hey All, today is also my GOTCHA day
this is how I met mumster......
That picture is so funny, love them.
So happy to hear that Coco is going to be alright, it must have given you quite a scare, they are so very precious to us.
It was nice reading about how you got her - Happy Gotcha Day to you both. I think the pet shop man was matchmaking too but I bet you are glad he did!
Lynne (Dip-Dip, Bridget and Elliot's mum)
Thankful Wednesday indeed you are okay. We were worried about the test though. No more sugar for my sweetie friend?
Licks, hero
Hey there Coco
Do you remember those fairy slippers I posted on my blog some time ago? We think of you in that delicate manner. Please get better soon! We love you and know that your Mom is terribly worried. Sending lots of warm wishes for totaly recovery your way.
Happy Gotcha Day, Cocorue!!
Tell Mumster not to worry about her little mis-judgement on the sweets. Life means always learning and we are sure she learned from this and will not give you sweets again. Don't worry-there's plenty other goodies out there that are healthy for you.
Me and Mom both loved how you two came to be together-
HAPPY HAPPY GOTCHA DAY!! Celebrate with a healthy treat and a nice walk.
Chester ;0=)
We are so very happy that you are feeling better and your sugar tests came out ok for now. You a such a delicate little creature, we all worry about you when you get under the weather. Lots of loves and kisses.
Draco's Mom
Whew, so glad to hear that everything is better!! Coco, no more giving your Mum heart attacks, you hear?!! You stay healthy so you can be with us for a very long time, the world would not be the same without you! If you have a sweet tooth, how about yogurt drops? Chewy & Lilibell go bananas over them!
Kisses, Auntie Nadine
happy gotcha day coco!
we are so relieved that you are ok!
m & e
We liked your funny pic! Happy Gotcha Day. Too bad about the sweets - now your mum knows they are not good for you we expect that will be the end of that!
Never mind it is best to be healthy.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
That is a very funny pic. We hope you are just fine, Coco. Your mom is doing all the right things for you.
Woos, the OP Pack
We came back because we forgot to wish you a Happy Gotcha Day - enjoy!!!
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Soooo glad you are okay, sweet thing! (You are sweet enough without ingesting sugar hahahahaha!) And a very happy Gotcha Day! Love that photo!!
Hugs xo
Hey Coco, I hope you feel OK. That is a very cute picture, Mr. Chips loves to lay on my Winston. I'm sure he never thought of food and water!
CocoRue, We are SO Happy that you will be fine! We were Really Worried there little one!
Hope you feel better real soon!
Hugs, Tessa
Happy gotcha day, Coco!
Your mom sure does love you and so do we!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Gotcha day, princess Coco!
I read tthe story about how you brought your mom into your life, how touching!
I keep praying that you will have your blood sugar back to within the normal range, that ants are no longer gathering around your pee-mail.
My angel brother Ringo when he was 14 years old, my mom noticed that he drank water a lot, she brought him to the Vet having his blood test, his blood sugar then was almost 500( normal rangge 80-120), he was put on insulin shots twice a day. He lived 14 more months under my pawrents' tender loving care, insulin twice a day, strict diet and urine test every day. My pawrents postponed vacation, gave my brother all attention that a dog could get.
I wish you a healthy happy long life, sweet Coco.
By the way, I hauled your kisses back to my blog and proudly displayed it on my sidebar.
I'll talk about it in the next post, love ya! hme
Happy Gotcha Day!! What a great present that you got...your health!!
Benny & Lily
Hi, Coco!
I hope you are doing well!
Happy Gotcha Day!
Kisses and hugs
Happy Gothca Day little Coco!
Keep on getting better!
Happy Gotcha Day!
I'm glad woo are doing well!
Happy Gotcha Day! :) I'm glad you're feeling better and just make sure that you do everything your mom tells you to do.
Happy Gotchya Day! I didn't know woo had diabetes. I'm sure glad woo's mom is careful!
wild dingo
We just know you will be 100% Cocorue in no time!
Happy Gotcha Day!
HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPY Gotcha day sweet princess!!!
Please sweety.....get better soon!!!!!!
We know that your Mom must be terribly worried......
So pleaseeeeeee....take care of you.....awwwwwwwww.....we would love live close to we could take care of you and your mommy!!!!!
We send to you lots of sweet licks and kisses....
Have a wonderful day sweet princess!!!!
Tons of love and hugs!!!
I am glad to see that things are going to get a little more clear for you. I wish you all the best! :)
We have given you an award, would you like to take it from our blog :)
How're you doing Coco! I have missed you and hope you are okay, dear one!
Hugs xo
OH, Bless Your Hearts! I'm glad it's looking like everything is okay. That had to have been a bit scary. I'm sending You Much Love and Many Hugs!!! Still in an odd computer situation, but was able to get to a cafe tonight.
Big Hugs and Keeessess Mon Amis! Namaste. :)
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