The wonderfully gifted Ann of Zoolatry
surprised us with this of deCoco
and we are thrilled to bits
Ann does beautiful work at her
and we are so grateful for her generosity
do visit the Zoolatry girls, Maggy&Zoey
to have some fun and also
to check out their special
December calendar where
they are featuring their friends & family!
Everyday springs a new surprise!!!
This Monday December 21
and four more days to Christmas
we dedicate this song by Katie Melua
to all our canine & feline friends
and especially to the Zoolatry girls
Have a good Monday all, chikisses

Well, what an adorable surprise! I love it! You have some very lovely friends!Thank you for the music, very relaxing tune! ?:)
Oh lovely Coco, what a wonderful surprise for you. A lucky girl you are to have such wonderful friends. We really like the Christmas song, thank you for sharing.
Hugs & Purrs,
Judy and Miss Cindi
Awwww. Are you Santa's little helper CoCo??
That's a lovely surprise indeed from your feline friends... you are such a popular chi, Coco. As usual, great Christmas selection... I like it.
Licks, hero
That is so gorgeous, what a great gift.
That is a really nice version of that song by Katie Melua.
Wags and kisses, Dinah Bridget and Elliot xx
Awww, that's an adorable picture of you, Coco! We enjoyed the singing as well!
We all love Zoolatry and the ZH is such a generous lady. You look pawfect in that stocking!!!
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Oh my gosh, what a cute card! Happy Holidays!
That's SO CUTE!!!! AWWW! Thanks for All the Love and BBBIIIIGGG HUGS and Chikeeeeeses to You My Friend! Cheers and Namaste. :)
Thank you Coco, your kind words are very much appurrciated.
Your friends, Maggy and Zoey (and Ann), The Zoolatry Girls
Hi Coco!! Great picture from Zoolatry! Nice to visit you again, and thanks for stopping by my site.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
How lovely Coco, Zoolatry also made our header to go with our blog which was a lovely surprise. So very talented!
We love the Katie Melua xmas song - very much our style.
We are having a little break now from blogging but just wanted to drop by and wish you a very Happy Xmas!
Best wishes
Martha, Bailey & Family xxx
You and the card are adorable!!!
Hugs and belly rubs,
Yes! That is a pawesome surprise!
Kisses and hugs
Thats just lovely. Mum and I love Ann and she is so clever.. Gorgeous picture of you.. Hugs Gj x
You look adorable in that little boot CoCo! How very nice of your friend to make that picture for you. I've not read her blogs before so I'll make a special trip over there and check them out this afternoon.
I never noticed Tweedle's fish before! I fed them for you. :)
You asked for pictures of my pups, I hope to have some up by the end of this week!
hey Cocorue,
What a perfect Christmas Coco card! You have some very special friends to give you such a great gift! And you fit perfectly in Santa's boot! Maybe he will take you along for a ride on Christmas Eve!
Another wonderful Christmas song! Thanks for keeping us in the Christmas Spirit!
And a big thank you for letting me know my name means like/love in your language. I didn't know that so it is very cool to know, and makes me feel that much more special.
What a cute picture - how nice of Ann!! Although you are so cute, Coco - you'd look gorgeous even if whe put you in an old muddy boot!! Hope you are all ready for Santa Paws :)
Snow Snorts-
Brutus the Frenchie
How khute!
The ZH is pawesome!
We also love Ann and her talent is just endless!! What a great picture Coco!!!
Merry Christmas!!
What an awesome surprise and so beautiful, Coco! Maggie and Zoey did one for us too and we feel so honored! Ann does wonderful work!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We enjoyed that Coco! We love Katie Melua.
love and woofs
Oh my gosh, how cute can one get???? What a lovely surprise from Ann!!
What a wonderful surprise! The card is beautiful and so is the little Chihuahua in it! That's a great picture of you my sweet little niece!
- Aunt Tiff
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