Merry Christmas to all our friends...
ThankQ for joining us through our musical
journey this December and
we trust you have enjoyed our selection
as much as we have enjoyed choosing
these songs for you
ThankQ for joining us through our musical
journey this December and
we trust you have enjoyed our selection
as much as we have enjoyed choosing
these songs for you
We love this holiday period too much to just end here,
so please do join us next week for our favourite songs
as we welcome 2010
Meanwhile, enjoy and have a happy weekend
till we see you next week
to say a fond farewell to 2009
chikisses and much love,

We hope woo have a furry wonderful HOWLiday!
Khyra and Her Mom
Coco, we wish you the merriest of Christmases!
Oh yes we did!
Thank you furry much!
Mom even posted in on her blog too!
We wish you and everyone you love a very Merry Christmas filled with happiness, good food and friendship.
Kisses back to you sweet CoCo!!!
Ho Ho HO!
We have enjoyed your musical choices and look forward to more.
Little Coco we wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas.
Judy & Miss Cindi Lou
Cocorue and Family,
Have a wonderful Merry Christmas filled with lots of love, fun, and yummy dog treats!
And thank you for sharing all your Christmas songs with us and making us laugh and smile.
And Coco, great video! You are a doll!
Suka and K
I wish you and your family a wonderful Merry Christmas!
Have a wonderful holiday Miss CoCo!
Merry Merry Christmas ! And Happy Happy New Year !
Oh Thank You for that...I love a little Chi video to star my day!
Merry Christmas little Coco!
Wooos! A Magical Christmas to Woooo!
-Kira The BeaWootiful and Scampi too!
Hi Coco,
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Coco and thank you for all the songs!!!
Merry Christmas!!!
Licks from me!!
Olive :)
Coco, we wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and are sending our Christmas kisses to you....MUAH, MUAH, MUAH!!
Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell
Merry Christmas Coco and family!
Kisses and hugs
Have a very Merry Christmas Coco. We hope you and your family have lots of fun and good times.
We have loved all your Christmas songs and what a nice suprise to hear your Mum's English accent!
Wags and kisses, Dinah Bridget and Elliot xx
Thanks for the kisses, Cocorue - and we are sending some back to you too.
Wishes to you and your family for a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
You're just too cute for words CoCo! I love your mom's accent.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Xmas and lots of kisses straight back - you are a sweetheart!
So glad we met you this year!
I have had sooo much fun and many smiles on my face when I come to visit you all! Thank you for caring about us and being so nice! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!
Bijou and Banjo
Merry Christmas Coco, and best wishes for 2010!
Clive, Murray and all the family
Merry Chistmas Coco
Benny & Lily
Merry Christmas, Coco! We hope Santa was good to you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You're so cute! :)
Thank you for sharing all those great songs!
Merry Christmas!!!
And we have really enjoyed the musical treats. Have a Merry Christmas.
Merry Merry Christmas Coco and family!
Have a wonderful day!
Melissa and Emmitt
You're soooooooooooooooooo sweet and beautiful!!!!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh...YOUR Video is GREAT!!!!!
We loved to see you "live"!!!!!
HAve a wonderful Christmas sweet princess!!!!
Tons of love and kisses and licks!!!!
Happy Christmas Coco & your family!
We sure enjoyed the musical choices and we look forward to more.
Do enjoy the holidays!
-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Scrappy, Bullet & Mommy
MERRY CHRISTMAS Little Princess. Have a peaceful day with your pawrents.
Awww... We felt your soft warm kisses all the way over here in Ohio!! Thanks Coco, hope you and your humans had a great Christmas!!
Merry Snorts-
Brutus the Frenchie
Have a Merry Little Christmas, Coco and here's wishing you a Happy New Year!
Licks, hero
Yes, thanks for the songs. Hope you had a merry little Christmas!!!
Coco and family,
Happy Christmas to you & thanks for the howliday kisses!
Your pal,
Happy holidays little one! :)
Hiya Coco! Geesh-how did I end up behind the odd little fella up there who may someday be my father-brother-in-law?
Oh well, better late than never, right?
Loved your musical tribute to Christmas this year-many great selections! Thank-you!
Will you be stayin' up late to welcome in the New Year?
If so, I'd like to be the first to give you (((HUGS))) and BIG BROWN KISSES in 2010!
Chester ;0=)
Hi Coco,
Happy, happy New Year. We loves you kiddo!
Riley and Star.
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