Happy Monday everyone,
this is Tiffy again
as Coco says that Mondays are
Not her days...
( i wonder which are Her days bol...)
and this will be my last post
for a long time as
according to Coco
'respect is earned'
not given
and I will have to earn hers
if i want to post again......
For All the support accorded to me
a big ThankQ
with this PurpleHatter award to

EVERYONE who commented and will be
commenting on my previous post
as You're All Special to me...
You mean last post for the week, right?... we know it's Monday, big sister will be much nicer towards the weekend... thanks for the nice gesture.
Licks, hero
Hi Tiffy, you are such a cutie, we will definitely won't forget you. We are sure Coco is not that mean as not to allow you to post whenever you like.
Hey Tiffy, I'm sorry to hear this will be your last post. Well, who knows maybe you'll get your own blog someday :) and I would love to be Forever Friends with you. Take care!
Woofs from your pal Zoë from the Netherlands
Hi Tiffy
we hope you keep postng cos we love to see you.
That was a very pretty award - thank you for sharing it with all your new forever friends.
Happy Monday
Martha & Bailey xxx
Hi Tiffy
That's a lovely Forever Friends award - thank you! We're sure this will not be your last post! Hoping to hear from you again very soon!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Thanks for the award Tiffy. Coco has a rival for cuteness on her paws that's for sure. We love your sweet little fuzzy face!
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx
Hey there Tiff!
Sweety pie, I am a BIG fan of yours! Tell that mumster of yours that you want a permanent slot! I dread not to hear from you again. Speak to Coco too - she has good influence with the Mumster.
Thank you Tiffy! Good luck with CoCo, I bet she will let you post again soon :)
Lovely Tiffy,
Thanks for the wonderful Award, I'll haul it back to my blog right away before you change your mind, hehe. Coco gave me red kiss award before, I have it proudly displayed on the sise bar.
Tiff, please don't say "last post", please say "to be continued", you'll earn respect from Coco in no time and you post at least every other post, k?
Coco and Tiffy, yes, we'll be friends furever!
Awwww Tiffy..you are sooooooooooo cute :) Thanks for the award friend :)
Licks and Tail Wags to you and CoCo :)
Thanks so much for the wonderful award Tiffane, how could someone not be friends forever with you!! We know that before you know it you will earn Coco's respect...probably by next Monday!!
If Coco won't share her blog with you, turn the blinkie eyes on your mama and get her to make you one of your own! I'll be glad to follow you!
Awwww How cute!!
Hope to hear from you again Tiffy!
Wooo Woooo
Shiloh, Shelby, & Their Mom
Yes, Tiff. Friends fur ever and ever and ever! You are a doll baby and are loved as is Coco! Thanks for sharing the award.
You are SO CUTE! Almost as cute as Coco! Please post again soon!
Woos Tiffy although woo are cute, It will take some time for Coco to get used to having a little sister. I know I am still getting used to having a little brother after 3 years.... I hope woo get to post again, we will not furget woo!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Oh Tiff ! you're so cute !!! Congrats on your award ;)
Aww.... It's been nice hearing from you Tiff! Maybe if you are real nice to Coco she'll let you post every Monday??
Brutus the Frenchie
Thanks for the award, Tiffy!!
I know that Coco will come to respect you. Just be really nice to her. She's used to having mom and dad to herself. A few days of cuddling up to her, and I bet she lets you post again!
yes....friends forever!! Congrats on your award and thanks for passing it on to me! I love it.
You are a cutie.
hi tiffy!
oh thank you so much for our award!
we love both you and coco!
have a wonderful day!
m & e
Tiffy -- this is EASY -- just get your own blog site! Coco and you both deserve to have your own! I will be looking for it! Newfie hug to you!
hello tiffy its dennis the vizsla dog hay thank yoo i wil be happy to be yore frends!!! i hav lots of vizsla luv to go arownd!!! ok bye
Well darlin' you just be a good little girl and you'll be posting gain in no time!
you're soooooo cute!!!!
we're sooooooooo sorry to hear this will be your last post......pleaseeeeeeee.....
you should speack with Coco...our sweet princess....we know she would love share your blog with you again sometimes!!!
We definitely are your FUREVER FRIENDS!!!!!
And how could we forget you?????
TAke care of you and can't wait to read about you again soon!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on your special award and thanks for sharing it with us!!!!
I hope you'll get to post again soon, Tiffy! You're a doll.
With Coco's permission, yes! Forever furiends, Tiffy :) This was a great idea for an award. I will cherish it :)
You are very beautiful!!!
I like this award!!!!!
A lot of sweet kisses to you and to Tiff too!
Golden Clotilde
Hi Tiffy, Thanks for the award! I hope your back to posting soon and you earn the respect of Coco!!, because you are our forever friend!
Hello Tiffy,
Thank you so much for the award you're sharing with us. We look forward to more of your posts like Coco. You will soon be the better of friends. Just you wait and see.
-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar & the Piappies
Hello Tiffy! I really came sniffin' about for Coco but I forgot Monday's are not her thing. But it will give us a chance to get better acquainted. I hope you realize that Coco is and always will be the one you must bow down to, for she is the Queen of the House. You are young and must learn from her and she will be sure and give you the lessons you need in life.
Please let my Sweet Coco know that I am distressed but understandin' of her absence today but let her know that I will return soon again to sit and visit with her.
Nice to meetchya Tiffy. I believe you will be allowed to post again in the future and I look forward to hearin' more about your curly self.
Woofs and distressful slobbers,
Chester ;0=)
oh tiffy sweetness of our world
we will be furry much forever furryends til the end ok?? we wont ever forget you cause your shtill going to be posting we're sure of it
we'll be anxiously waiting to hear from you again
pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack
What, is Miss Coco too tired from her weekend to do any postings on Mondays??? We think that you should take over Mondays permanently!!
Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell
Congratulations on your award
and thank you to think on us :-)
Hugs Kareltje =^.^=
Tiffy....you already have the gift of blogging! :) I am impressed! You are tooooo adorable and I am happy you are having fun at your place. Have a fantastic week! :)
Tiffy how could we forget you when you have the cutest face ever... I am sure you will be allowed to blog real soon. You will win them over for sure.. Thank you for the gorgeous award.. I love it... Hugs GJ xx
Tiffy we will be your friends!
Oh Little Tiff, you are so very cute! I totally agree with Mango the Maltese Kiddo, he is very correct!
Thank you so much for the beautiful award, I too will put it up right away.
We know we will see you soon.
Hugs and Kisses, Tessa
an award 4 u.
Hey, Tiffy - you are too cute to be gone for a long time. You tell Cocorue that you need at least a post a week. Thanks for the award - it is very nice, just like you.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We khan't furget a khute face like THAT!
Thanks fur the award!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Congratulations on your award, Tiffany! You are one cutie patootie!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
OOPS! We called you Tiffany! Excuse us!
You're Tiffy, not Tiffany!
You're still very, very cute!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Thanks for the lovely award!
Hope to hear from you SOON!
Hugs to you and Coco!
Have a great week you all!
Thanks for the Award, Tiffy!
Your last post?? Noooo, please!
Tell Coco to let you post soon again!
I love you both!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Tiffy, kongrats on your award!!
You're special too!!
Thank you very much Tiffy. It's a lovely award!!
Woofs and Kisses!
How could we forget a face like that? :)
Sweet Tiffy
Your smile is tatooed in my heart
I will never forget you
Your little happy spirit
peeks through the clouds at me
how could I ever forget you!
Congratualtions on the awsome award
and thank you for sharing with me
I am honored!
Oh sweetie Tiffy, no one could ever forget your cute little face. Be very nice to Coco so she will let you blog again very soon. We think that a long time to our lovely Diva Coco might not be so long after all, we hope!
Friends forever, we promise!
Purrs & Hugs,
Cindi Lou
How can we forget a cutie like you? :)
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