as i get to sit with the hoomans during their pig out and snigger at them when they act stupid...
as i get to go out in my VintageBitch carrier if it does not clash with mum's outfit........

as i get to sit with the hoomans during their pig out and snigger at them when they act stupid...
as i get to go out in my VintageBitch carrier if it does not clash with mum's outfit........
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Coco, Mommy loves Fridays too and so do I, because I know she won't be going to work for the next 2 days and she can spend all her time with me!!
Kisses, Lilibell
All that and you get to wear doggie couture too!
Fridays are grrreat, aren't they?? We love Fridays too because it means we get to spend two whole days with Mom and Dad and we might get to go see Jennie & Donna at Hairy Winston. I think a bath is in our future for this weekend too!!!
Cousin Coco, you are just too stinkin' cute!
Chihuahua kisses,
Bentley & Lexus
Looks like you have really fun Fridays...We love the weekend at our house too. You are so
fierce to your friend Fido...I bet he has nightmares. BOL Have fun with your hoomans this weekend.
Boy, Fridays are fun at your house! It's puppy spa weekend in my house; bath time and PediPaws. :-)
Hi Coco,
You sure are a sassy lil' thang!
Wags & wiggles,
Hi, Coco!
Weekends are the best.. but too short in my opinion!
I hope you have a pawesome one!
Kisses and hugs
TQ all and chikisses,.......sorry have to run as she's screaming for me or i'll be left alone at soon
looks like a great day - and yes Fido looks very scared
Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ
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